4 Ways To Help Your Senior Parent Manage Depression
Did you know that more than two million seniors have depression in the U.S.? It’s true, and that number is increasing every year. Seniors can develop depression for a lot of different reasons including losing a spouse, getting older, dealing with chronic health problems, and even some medications can cause depression. Depression can be very difficult for seniors to handle, especially for seniors who don’t talk about their feelings because that wasn’t done back when they were growing up. Talking to a professional is the best way for seniors to manage depression, but there are some things you can do to help your senior parent manage depression too like:
Elder Care

Elder Care Mclean, VA: Depression and Seniors
Elder care for seniors is a customized set of services designed to make life at home easier for your senior loved one. Elder care means that your senior loved one will be getting regular visits from someone that is there just to help them tidy up the house, cook meals, clean up, and hang out. These regular visits can a great job of preventing your senior loved one from remaining isolated and depressed. With elder care your senior loved one will have the social interaction they need even when you can’t be there with them.
Finding New Hobbies
Helping a senior loved one find new activities and hobbies is a great way to help them manage the symptoms of depression. If your senior loved one has talked about trying a new hobby or activity in the past surprise them with a gift card for a lesson or an introductory information session about that activity so that they will get out of the house and try it. It doesn’t matter what the activity is. It doesn’t even matter what the activity is. Just the act of trying something new can be a big boost in positivity that your senior loved one needs.
Creating New Social Connections
Making new friends is a fantastic way for seniors to form strong social bonds with people who understand what your senior parent is going through in ways that you can’t. Many communities have senior centers where seniors can get together to hang out, join a book club, or take an art or exercise class. See if your area has a senior center and encourage your senior loved one to go there and make some new friends.
Getting Medication For Depression
Depression is a medical condition, and sometimes medicine can help. Talk to your senior loved one to find out if they are open to talking to a mental health professional about their depression. Medication doesn’t work for all seniors but many seniors do get relief from their depression symptoms with a combination of medication and counseling. Lots of seniors have resistance to talking about their problems and they tend to dismiss depression as just “feeling blue” because that’s how they were raised. But you may be able to show them they don’t have to “feel blue” and that a doctor can try to help them.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Mclean, VA please contact the caring staff at Butters Home Health Care today. (703) 371-2113