What Type of Cancer is Common Among Seniors?
No matter what age you are, cancer can affect you; this includes the elderly. Unfortunately, one of the biggest causes of mortality and morbidity in the elderly is cancer. There are a few most common types of cancer that show up in the elderly. However, you should keep in mind that seniors can get any type of cancer, not just the ones listed in this article.
Finding out that your loved one has cancer can be a terrifying experience because you never know what will happen next. The good news is that medicine has advanced drastically, changing the outcome for those who suffer from cancer. Personal care at home will be one of the most essential pieces to ensuring a senior gets through this time. It can be hard to age in place while battling cancer but having the right caregiver is crucial.
Depending on the hospital, one personal care at home attendant will be allowed in the infusion room with a senior. They will be able to drop them off at each appointment, sit with them, and drive them home at the end. Depending on cancer and the treatment plan, the sessions will be various lengths and you may not know how a senior will handle the way home or after the treatment.
What Cancers Affect Seniors Most?

Personal Care at Home Herndon, VA: Seniors and Cancer
Learning about the illnesses and diseases that affect the seniors most will help you prepare for if anything ever goes wrong. You will understand what symptoms to look for and what the first steps to take are. Most importantly, when you are prepared, you can help your loved one get through this time.
Researchers predict that there will be a rise in cancer patients over the age of 65+ in the upcoming years. This statement is based on research done in 51 countries and five continents. 70% of cancer-related deaths are in the age group of 65+, which can be scary for many families to deal with.
The most common types of cancer found in the elderly include breast cancer, prostate cancer, bowel cancer, and lung cancer. The truth is anyone can get these cancers because it is mutated cells that affect the body. Unfortunately, as your body ages, the cells become more damaged. The damage that is acquired over the years can lead to cancer. This is why even those seniors who don’t smoke may end up with lung cancer.
How to Help a Senior With Cancer?
Personal care at home can help a senior arrange chemo times and get them to and from appointments. Any family member can help around the home by doing simple tasks for the seniors and showing their love. When a senior gets diagnosed with cancer, it is important to not lose hope. Medicine has come a long way, and it is possible to recover as a senior. Keep a level head, show your love, and invite them to family activities to give them something to focus on.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Personal Care at Home in Herndon, VA please contact the caring staff at Butters Home Health Care today. (703) 371-2113