What Are the Best Natural Treatment Options for Arthritis?

Arthritis is a condition that can cause people extreme pain. Most of the pain is due to stiffness and inflammation in joints. Usually, as people get older, their pain will worsen. This means that many elderly people who have this condition will struggle more with arthritis-related pain than many younger adults. As a family caregiver, there are some natural treatment options for arthritis that may help your elderly loved one.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

 Senior Care in Reston, VA:Natural Treatment Options for Arthritis

If you don’t already know, you should find out how much your elderly loved one weighs. If they are overweight, this could be putting extra strain on their joints. When this happens, your elderly loved one will likely have more pain in their ankles and knees. However, being overweight can cause excess pain in other joints, too.

If your elderly loved one needs to reduce their pain, maintaining a healthy weight could help with that. If they are overweight, you or senior home care providers can help them create a weight loss plan. Research shows that losing even 5 to 10 pounds can make a major difference in the reduction of pain for people with arthritis.

Going Swimming Regularly

If your elderly loved one has arthritis, they may not be comfortable doing many exercises. Certain high-impact exercises such as running may cause them too much pain. However, there are some exercises that are safe for people with arthritis and can help reduce pain, too. Swimming is one of the best options. Research shows that aquatic aerobics can take pressure off the joints to help reduce pain.

If needed, you can hire senior home care providers to take your elderly loved one to the local beach or to a senior center swimming pool.

Alternating Temperature Therapy

Research also shows that temperature therapy can help reduce pain associated with arthritis. Your elderly loved one might find that alternating between hot and cold temperatures helps manage or even reduce their pain. Temperature therapy can be done in many ways. Most commonly, heating pads and ice packs are used.

If your elderly loved one has senior care providers, they can give reminders to alternate between heating pads and ice packs.


Does your elderly loved one have arthritis? If they do, hopefully, these natural treatment options can help to manage or even reduce their pain. When used regularly, these treatments may be able to prevent a lot of the pain, too. If your elderly loved one still suffers from severe pain, after trying these treatments, make sure someone takes them to see their doctor. Other treatments may be needed.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Care in Reston, VA please contact the caring staff at Butters Home Health Care today. (703) 371-2113

