Learn About Strokes and Why 24-Hour Home Care Is Important

A stroke can happen at any time, even in children. Approximately 800,000 Americans have a stroke each year. Age and habits play a part in increasing your stroke risk. Your dad is one of the thousands of Americans who had a stroke, so you’re starting to learn more about this health issue.

Learn more about the types of strokes and what happens after a stroke. You need to understand this to know why 24-hour home care is an integral part of a post-stroke care plan.

The Types of Strokes and What Increases Your Risk

 24-Hour Home Care Reston, VA: Strokes and Seniors

Most strokes are ischemic strokes. This type of stroke occurs when a blood vessel within the brain is blocked and stops blood flow.

A hemorrhagic stroke is less common, but it’s the other primary type of stroke. It occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and causes a brain bleed.

Age increases the risk of a stroke, but so does a sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and bad habits like smoking. Excessive drinking, diabetes, and obesity also increase your stroke risk.

To lower your risk of having a stroke, eating a diet high in lean protein, vegetables, fruit, and whole grains is essential. A meal plan that follows the DASH, MIND, or Mediterranean diet is often highly recommended by doctors.

The Benefits of 24-Hour Home Care

After a stroke, your dad will have some level of loss of mobility and movement. Often, one side of the body is affected. If the stroke was in the left side of his brain, his right arm and leg most likely won’t work well. If the stroke was in the right side of his brain, his left side would be affected.

He will need help with walking, showering, taking care of his teeth, eating, cooking meals, housekeeping, laundry, and transportation. He won’t be able to go up and down the stairs. These skills may return, but it takes weeks of occupational and physical therapy.

With caregivers working in shifts to provide coverage all day and night, your dad is never alone. If he wakes up and needs to use the toilet in the middle of the night, he doesn’t have to wake anyone up. His caregiver is ready to help him.

If he can’t sleep and wants a snack, his caregiver is there. No matter what time it is, he always has someone for companionship or to help out.

After your dad’s stroke, it’s in his best interest to hire 24-hour home care aides. With caregivers working in shifts, he’s supported throughout the day and night. Call an expert in 24-hour home care to make arrangements.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering 24-Hour Home Care in Reston, VA please contact the caring staff at Butters Home Health Care today. (703) 371-2113

