Four Ways Senior Care Can Help Aging Adults with Anemia

When your elderly family member is battling anemia that means that she doesn’t have as many of the healthy red blood cells as her body needs. That’s important because the red blood cells are the ones that carry oxygen throughout your senior’s body. If your elderly family member has anemia, she is likely to feel weaker than normal and extremely tired. Here’s how home care can help her.

Senior Care in Fairfax VA: Helping Seniors with Anemia

Senior Care in Fairfax VA: Helping Seniors with Anemia

Ensuring She Eats Regularly.

What your elderly family member eats and when she eats matters a lot when she’s dealing with anemia. Smaller meals eaten more often are a better idea and they can even help her to experience better energy levels. She’ll want to eat foods that are rich in iron, such as dark, leafy greens, eggs, and lean red meat. Senior care providers can help your family member to stay on track with her eating plan so that she always has the fuel she needs.

Helping Her Get Plenty of Rest.

The other side of the coin when it comes to managing anemia and energy levels is getting plenty of rest. Your elderly family member may find that she needs a little more rest than usual in order to feel better. Sleeping a little longer overnight and taking naps throughout the day are two ways that your elderly family member can bump up her resting time.

Handling Exhausting Tasks.

Daily tasks, like staying on top of household tasks, can be more exhausting than you or your elderly family member realize. Having senior care providers on hand to help allows your aging adult to conserve her energy for those tasks that she really needs and wants to do herself. By reducing her own to do list, your elderly family member will be able to get to just the activities that are important to her.

Steadying Her When She’s Feeling Dizzy.

One of the unpleasant effects of anemia can be that your senior might be a little less steady when she stands up than she wants to be. If you’re not able to be there with her, it’s a good idea to have home care providers there who can steady her when she’s feeling dizzy. They can also help her to lie down safely if a dizzy spell should hit suddenly.

Regular visits to her doctor can help your elderly family member to adjust her treatment plan for anemia. No matter what your senior’s unique symptoms are when it comes to anemia, senior care providers can help her and you to manage them in the best way possible.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering senior care in Fairfax, VA, please contact the caring staff at Butters Home Health Care today. Call (833) 4 MomDad. Serving all of Northern Virginia.