Four Ways to Prevent Mosquito Infestations From Plaguing Your Parents

Summer mornings and late afternoons and evenings tend to bring the mosquitoes out in huge numbers. It’s the cooler times of day, so it’s frustrating. World Mosquito Day is a good time to go over prevention tips. One of the things your parents can do is to take steps to lower the number of mosquitoes around their home.

Here are four of the best ways to do it.

Elder Care Arlington VA – Four Ways to Prevent Mosquito Infestations From Plaguing Your Parents

Invest in Yard Protection

There are mosquito repellent fogger sprays that create a barrier in yards that mosquitoes won’t cross. They only offer protection for a day at most. A better option is to invest in a trap that uses carbon dioxide and UV lights to lure mosquitoes and then traps them inside the device.

Get Rid of Water Sources

Mosquitoes need water. They lay their eggs in puddles, wet leaves, ponds, and anything where standing water collects. Removing all of these water sources is a good way to get rid of mosquitoes. The water trays under plant pots are one of the common areas you’ll find them. Gutters that haven’t been cleaned out are another.

Keeping Mosquito Larvae Out of Ponds

Chlorine or other pool chemicals are the main reason you don’t see mosquito larvae in swimming pools. As long as you balance your chemicals or salt levels, you’ll never have a problem.

If you have a man-made pond or water feature in your yard, invest in some goldfish. They’ll eat the larvae for you. You can’t add potentially invasive fish to a natural pond, but you can ask the state what they recommend to cut down on the mosquito larva. There are mosquito larvae killer pellets that are safe to use in a pond.

Add Plants Mosquitoes Don’t Like to Gardens and Patio Planters

Mosquitoes don’t like certain scents. Citronella is one of them. Marigolds, lavender, lemon balm, and lemon-scented geraniums are others. Plant plenty of basil, too. Catnip also works, but outdoor cats may devour it faster than it grows.

Should your parents get a bite that does lead to one of the mosquito-borne illnesses found in the U.S., make sure they take it easy. Elder care aides can complete household chores and prepare meals while they rest. When they’re well enough, they can keep their elder care services if they’ve found it beneficial. They can also end the services, as elder care can be a temporary thing while recuperating. Learn more by making a call.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elder Care Services in Arlington VA, please contact the caring staff at Butters Home Health Care contact-us today. Call (833) 4 MomDad. Serving all of Northern Virginia.