Do You Feel Abandoned by Friends and Family?

Caregiving can be incredibly isolating for you as your senior’s caregiver. Other family members and friends may not understand what’s going on and that can cause them to drift away from you. If you’re feeling abandoned by the people you love, you may need to look deeper at what’s going on.

Caregiver Ashburn VA – Do You Feel Abandoned by Friends and Family?

Look Objectively at Both Situations

You know your situation already but take a look at the situation your friends and family are wrestling with, too. Everybody is going through something. You may not know all of the details, but it’s wise to admit to yourself at least that it’s possible they’re dealing with some stuff, too. Be realistic about what you really can do and how much you can be available for other people. Sometimes you want to have more social involvement, but your current situation really doesn’t support that.

You Can Change Some Things, But not Everything

There may be some parts of your current situation that you do want to change. For instance, you might want to take more time for respite. But you can’t change everything about your availability and your own ability to be more social. That’s why it’s so important to start out with a realistic look at your current needs and situation. If something truly can’t change, you can’t force it. You may be better off practicing acceptance now and waiting for the time when you are able to make bigger changes.

Make an Effort and Reach Out

Your family members and friends may have a better understanding of how busy you are than you realize. From their perspective, they may have been waiting until you’re in a position to better be able to take time away. Until you share how you’re feeling, there’s no way for them to know that you’ve been wishing they were reaching out a little more. Talk to them and let them know what you’re feeling and how you’d like to see your interactions change.

Figure out Who You Need to Forgive

There’s a lot to forgive when you start to feel abandoned. You might need to forgive friends and family members for not automatically knowing what you need. Or you might need to practice some forgiveness with yourself and with caregiving in general. There are a lot of misunderstandings that can happen when life is busy and demanding.

Part of what you might be able to change is your own free time, through using respite time. Hiring home care providers on a regular basis gives you a way to take time for yourself and to rebuild the relationships that matter to you.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Caregiver Services in Ashburn VA, please contact the caring staff at Butters Home Health Care contact-us today. Call (833) 4 MomDad. Serving all of Northern Virginia.